When Is a Tax Return Due for a Booster Club?

June 8, 2024 4:42 AM

When Is a Tax Return Due for a Booster Club?

A booster club that qualifies for IRS 501(c)(3) status must file its tax return by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of the organization’s tax year. For booster clubs that operate on a calendar year-end, the due date is May 15th. However, the booster club may choose another fiscal year-end, which can result in a different due date.

Booster Club and Taxes

It’s important to remember that while your booster club may not owe any taxes due to a 501(c)(3) status, it still must file a return reporting earnings and expenses. There are three different common return types that a booster club may file.

  • 990-N: Used for organizations with less than $50,000 in revenue for the year
  • 990-EZ: Filed by booster clubs with revenues between $50,000 and $200,000
  • 990: Must be filed by booster clubs with revenues over $200,000 for the year

Most booster clubs will file either a 990-N or a 990-EZ. If the tax return is not filed on time, the booster club may lose its tax-exempt status.

Booster Club Tax Filing Requirements

Booster clubs must report their revenues and expenses for the year. It’s important that this information is tracked carefully and accurately. Utilizing a software app designed to manage the accounting for a booster club is a great way to minimize any errors or oversights. This process is especially beneficial if the members responsible for overseeing a club’s finances change during the year.

In addition to reporting earnings, the tax return must include the names of the principal officers of the booster club for the year and an address for the organization. For booster clubs that have non-typical transactions, additional information may be required.