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Alternatives to CutTime

November 22, 2024 9:59 AM

Charms, one of the most popular marching band management tools in the country, is officially stepping off the field in 2024. Program management company CutTime, which acquired the Charms system in 2023, is discontinuing the service and moving everyone over to its proprietary platform. 

While you could stick around and see how CutTime works out for you, you’ll have to learn an all-new system and ride the wave as the developer figures out the bugs — which is notoriously difficult to do when you receive a flood of new users. And dealing with a finicky platform that doesn’t work right is the last way you want to spend your next marching band season. 

Let’s take a closer look at why you probably shouldn’t try to navigate the CutTime transition. We’ll then explore a top alternative that can make managing your marching band effortless.

Why Explore CutTime Alternatives?

If you’ve enjoyed Charms, it might be tempting to just stick with CutTime and ride the wave of the transition. However, there are a few reasons why sticking with CutTime probably isn’t a great idea. 

Here’s a glimpse at what you’ll have to work through if you make the transition to CutTime:

  • A Steep Learning Curve: CutTime is very different than Charms, which means you’re going to have to learn a whole new system from scratch 
  • A Change in Features: CutTime will offer some similar features to Charms, but it may also be lacking some of the handy tools you’ve grown accustomed to
  • A Tedious Migration: Instead of automatically importing all your data from Charms, CutTime is requiring you to manually export and re-upload your data, which can be a headache

As a result, transitioning to CutTime may just be more trouble than it's worth. 

If there’s a silver lining to the end of Charms, it’s this: You have a chance to implement a new band management platform that better meets your needs, helps you get organized, and gives you more free time to focus on leading the band. 

The good news is that there are powerful options like BoosterHub for Bands, a seamless platform for those missing the features of Charms and looking for a good replacement. There’s never been a better time to adopt the powerful features of BoosterHub for Bands.

Here’s a look at what our dynamic platform has to offer and why it's the ideal replacement for ex-Charms users. 

What’s BoosterHub for Bands?

BoosterHub is a booster club management solution that helps boosters and the students they support raise money and prepare for a great season. You can manage your equipment, organize fundraisers, run reports, and track donations, all from one user-friendly interface. 

We’ve recently added BoosterHub for Bands to our starting lineup, allowing you to do everything you could with Charms — but even more efficiently. You’ll be able to track every instrument, uniform, and piece of equipment without the need to scramble from one platform to another.

BoosterHub for Bands is also fully integrated into BoosterHub’s booster club management platform. This means you can use BoosterHub to seamlessly organize fundraisers, process donations, and track band expenses — all in one platform. Together, BoosterHub and BoosterHub for Bands give you all the tools you need to run a successful program, track equipment, and avoid the headache of a transition to CutTime.

Make 2024-2025 Your Best Season Yet

The 2024-2025 marching band season can be your best one yet, so long as you start planning for the end of Charms and ensure you’ve got the tools you need to manage your band. Make the switch to BoosterHub for Bands today. With the right software and a little prep, you’ll set the stage for a fun-filled year!